Mostrando postagens com marcador 2019. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador 2019. Mostrar todas as postagens


So here comes the post of one of my favourite places in Toronto! Sorry if it's just too obvious, but the Distillery District is just lovely! Actually I liked all the neighbourhood, because I took a loooooooooong walk from the west side of the city until there, so I must also say that the surroundings are great too!



Estou viva! Há vida pós Pixel Show (maior festival de criatividade da América Latina)! Hahahaha
Tirando os mil dias de preparo e produção insana, como maker, estive lá o final de semana todo das 7h da manhã até as 22h! QUE MARATONA.

Me desculpem todos que por alguma razão eu ainda não respondi, mas estou morgando no pós evento e ainda temos mais um pela frente!

Falando sobre o desafio de expor numa micro mesa de 80x80cm, eu levei um gaveteiro, para poder armazenar e expor mais peças. Achei que não teria problemas, já que o público e maker e supostamente super interativo. Mas as pessoas estavam com medinho de abrir o gaveteiro, então para o segundo dia eu inverti tudo! As gavetas ficaram viradas para mim, então pelo menos EU fiquei insanamente organizada num espaço de 80x80cm! XD

Sim... um display bem mais agressivo, mas funcionou bem melhor! Depois disso ouvi bem mais vezes o "mas que material é esse?" - hahahahaha - Sorry pela grumpy mood, é só que como passei o ano todo apenas fazendo os eventos da Universidade do Papel, me desacostumei um pouco com essa pergunta. =P - E muito obrigada a todos que passaram pela minha mesa!

Agora falemos sobre expectativa x realidade - esse sketch aí de cima era mais ou menos como eu imaginaria que a mesa ia ficar. A solução foi bem parecida, tirando o fato de que o espelho circular não coube na mesa....Mas mesmo o display com os cubinhos de cimento deu certo. x)

E as engrenagens estão de voltaaaaaaaaaaaa! Assim como as asinhas menores!

E para a senhora que me procurou beeeem no finalzinho, quando eu já estava com tudo muito guardado, mil desculpas! O colar continua disponível! T_T




A trip to Toronto can't be thought without visiting the CN Tower...


"O que você fica fazendo de madrugada?" - trabalhando, minha gente, trabalhando! E cá temos um pouquinho do making of de algumas novidades que estão chegando.

Falando em novidades, eu jurava que meu ano acabaria pós Pixel Show, mas acreditem, já tem agenda até o final de dezembro! o_o E vai rolar num lugar incrível!


Just a TBT to say I miss Toronto! It's hard to believe it's been more than a month already!
China Town is huge! Hard to say already where the neighborhood started or ended... With many (cool) stores which sell basically everything and beautiful lights at night! =)

And not only there, but in the whole Toronto the feeling is that the city's 2nd language is Chinese and not French... XD

Looking forward the next summer! 




10, 17 e 24 de Novembro de 2019 - das 14h às 20h

Na UNIVERSIDADE DO PAPEL: Rua Matias Aires, 61, Consolação, SP


"House of Casa Loma"... For a person who speaks Portuguese it was a bit annoying that people in Canada kept saying "house of"Casa Loma, because casa already means house. XD

Anyways, what a beautiful castelllll...! From the City Pass, this was probably the attraction I wanted to see the most. Because I love Architecture, History and X-men! hahahahaha

The weather this day was probably the worst I got during my whoooole trip, it was rainning a lot, but at least I got a chance to meet a really nice guy! My Uber driver was a guy born in Montreal, but that spent many years in Africa before coming back to Canada. He told me a lot about his love for Toronto and how the city is the perfect place for the ones who have dreams. Because in Toronto nothing is impossible. It was quite inspiring. =)

The Halloween attraction wasn`t ready though. =(


AGO has probably the most tempting shop of all the galleries and museums... The books! OMG, the books!!! Because, yes, I`m the kind of person who starts a visit by entering the shop. WHY? So I have time to process all the cravings I get.... And the books in Canada are so much cheaper than in Brazil! =,(

The Art Gallery of Ontario does have a little bit of everything and it`s huge. So huge it feels bad to call it a gallery and not a museum. o_o

Their inventory of beautifully crafted is objects is what got my attention the most.... Mamma mia!


Nos dias 30.11 e 01.12 vai rolar o PIXEL SHOW 2019! Um dos maiores eventos sobre criatividade da América Latina! Vai ser uma honra estar lá com minhas joias de papel!

Fica aqui um post rápido com o promocode MAKERS20 para quem quiser comprar o ingresso do evento. Ele garante 20% off.

A entrada é GRATUITA. Porém, é preciso comprar o ingresso para fazer workshops e assistir palestras.


Big news!!
Dear Toronto! I'll be there by mid September to October 1st!
This is your chance to order without having to deal with international shipping! If anything catch your eye or if you wanna something customized just for you, please message me!


Na sexta passada rolou o #PaperNightUP, na @universidadedopapel! Obrigada pelo convite! É sempre um prazer estar nos eventos da UP e as trocas são as melhores! ❤️
Obrigada também a todos os artistas, pelo trabalho coletivo, e aos nossos visitantes - pelo tempo, pela visita, pelo respeito! 
📷: @yoturistadelujo ¡muchas gracias! ♪

Na noite anterior, preparando tudo. (feat. Patricio modelo! Hahahaha )

P.S.: Dear Toronto, I'll be there for you soon!




É com muita honra que eu venho contar para vocês que vou fazer parte do novo projeto da Universidade do Papel!
O Paper Night vai acontecer no dia 12 de Julho, das 19h às 23h! Todos os artistas participantes vão expor suas devidas interpretações artísticas sobre o material e tudo em PB! Fotografia, ilustração, colagem, escultura, etc! Todos convidadíssimos! É numa sexta, entre as ruas Augusta e Frei Caneca, então pode vir antes ou depois do Happy Hour! Hahahaha. Mesmo na própria Matias Aires (e tem todo o bairro) tem muita programação noturna para antes e ou depois do Paper Night! 

No meu caso, isso é um pouco nostálgico, porque minhas primeiras peças foram PB, mas ao mesmo tempo é totalmente novo, porque desde aquela época eu aprimorei a técnica e aprendi muito, então não vejo a hora de mostrar os resultados! =)



O ano está passando super rápido e semana que vem já tem Paper Day de novo! 
A sétima edição do evento que apresenta diversas formas de transformar o papel em arte vai acontecer no dia 26 de maio, domingo, na Universidade do Papel: Rua Matias Aires 61, pertinho do metrô Consolação. Tem estacionamento ao lado e é pet friendly! Das 10h às 19h! Todos estão convidadíssimos! 



I'm back!
To say that I noticed the last time I talked about Il Divo here was in 2017?! How I managed that? Hahahaha - no, the topic today is not design, but it's related (since I do create a lot while listening to these guys. )...

First of all...


As always, it's been a while. And it feels that things have been moving really fast since I started with the paper jewelry...So this post is just to talk about what is going on (offline) and the plans for the year.

- the cutting machine issue:

If life had happened as I had planned, I would have been an owner of a cutting machine since July of last year. Not such a luck! Because of taxes and the exchange rate between USD and brazilian Real are just insane.

Any Silhouette is out of question. I need more power and more precision. 

Maybe Eclips2? Brother is gonna launch a new machine here in Brazil next month and since I'm going to the event...who knows....?

- events:

We are in April and I had 4 fairs until now. Two amazing and two not so good.
The issues with the ones which were not that interesting? CARNIVAL.
Yes. Brazil. Does. Stop. When. It. Comes. To Carnival.

So, now I'm gonna share a few pics of the good events and the new pieces!

These were inspired by Sao Paulo's life style, vibes and architecture. We have Interlagos autodrome, pieces that recall the "concrete jungle" nickname of the city and Sao Paulo Japan House building.

- vacations:

The events that were not that amazing made me realize that I need vacations! It sounds like a selfish desire, to take a break when things are starting to evolve, but the point is... Last time I took a break was on February of 2014! Five years! 
It noticed that I was tired exactly because I was feeling like this during a fair that was basically empty, because everyone was out there, somewhere, enjoying the carnival... So I was like "ok... when I was the last time I've been out of my city (even for a weekend)?"...The answer was April of 2015. For a weekend in Rio de Janeiro........yeah, the body is asking to some time in peace. This way I can come back to the jewels (and other projects) stronger!

- almost 3.0:

October 2nd is sort of coming. My 30th birthday. So I ended up thinking about all the choices that made me get where I am now. What's working, what's not. 
Even with all the changes - that I probably couldn't understand when they were happening - I'm glad the whole journey makes some sense until now. Yet, I can not forget that I'm also here because my inital plans were delayed. So, I'm still figuring out if I'm going back there to realize all those old dreams when the chance arrives (without giving up what I have today), or if it's just past.
AND THE PURPLE. I want purple hair before my birthday, or at least to celebrate it! PURPLE IS THE NEW BLACK 

- online store:

That huge stone inside my shoe. T_T
No, don't get me wrong. Here's the thing: I have almost the whole store ready to put online and open, but right now my server only allows national transactions, which means international orders have been made by e-mail/instagram and paid with Paypal. And I've been waiting to release the national and international services together, but some news from the server last week and boom! No more international option coming! 

- ninja design award:

A special post just for this topic is coming soon, but basically my works were selected for an exhibition at Ureshino Design Week and now they have a spot in Ninja Museum, in Saga. Still walking on air here!

- more news coming soon:

New parnterships and projects to be announced soon. Someone wanting to adopt some butterflies? There are to many inside my stomach to bare with. LOL.

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