Mostrando postagens com marcador 2020. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador 2020. Mostrar todas as postagens

Collab with Draw A Dot


This is just a quick update to tell you guys I have a new collab with Draw A Dot coming soon!



No dia 13 de outubro, um pouco do evento, mas durante a correria do Pixel Show, fui convidada pela Thaís Kato para fazer uma live! =) Nunca tinha feito live antes e graças a ela foi divertidíssimo! Alguns assuntos inesperados surgiram e eu apanhei na hora de fazer um tsuru diferente! (Mas entender foi questão de honra e consegui fazer certinho depois!!) Fica aqui o vídeo para quem quiser assistir!

{ @raphacchan | @thaiskatorigami | @tsuruacaopelavida } 



 Finalmente, é amanhã! Abertura da Feira Pixel Show, desse ano! 

Para quem não viu o post anterior, meu stand online será no Zoom e a sala ficará aberta durante todo o final de semana, das 13h às 22h! 

E, como é bastaaaaaaante tempo online, caso alguém queira entrar e perguntar alguma coisa, estarei lá! Também vou reservar alguns momentos para mostrar para vocês parte do processo de produção!

Por hoje, fica aqui um Q&A sobre o meu trabalho em papel:

Eeeee, para quem perdeu o link para o zoom, é só clicar aqui!

Estou terminando de atualizar o estoque, mas aqui está a loja online!




ZOOM for October 17th - saturday - 13h ~ 22h - (GMT -3)


ZOOM for October 18th - sunday - 13h ~ 22h - (GMT -3)





Illustration created for the latest Draw-A-Dot open call. A look from MSGM's 2020 Pre Fall season. It was inspired by CLAMP's Card Captor Sakura and all the magic elements are actually Gio Ponti designed items - tapestry, lamps, chandeliers, etc...  It was fun!


#PAPERSCULPTURE - making of ♥


Because I've just cleaned my whole space, after finishing the sculptures, but have already started a mess again...Welcome to my life! lol  



#SaveTheDate: 17 e 18 de Outubro vai rolar o PIXEL SHOW 2020! 
Mesmo com Covid teremos o maior festival de criatividade da LATAM! ♥  Até porque em um momento de crise temos uma boa oportunidade para usar a criatividade e pensar em novas soluções!
Só que esse ano o festival todo será online!! No insta da feira vocês podem conferir mais informações!

E vai ser uma honra participar como expositora! Além da loja online, devo transmitir direto do meu estúdio, então vou ter bem mais liberdade para mostrar coisas para vocês!


ALIVE!! - so here is a making of... #PaperSculpture

Uma eternidade depois, aqui está uma atualização! Todos ainda em quarentena por aqui, mas vivos e com saúde! =)

Apesar do ano difícil, os últimos meses têm sido de correria e novas parcerias. Espero poder falar delas aqui logo menos!!

E fica um making of do que está rolando nesses momentos de silêncio. Quem quiser ver mais de perto é bem vindo para me acompanhar no instagram!



So, today I'm making a marathon of Aston Martin Red Bull Racing F1 team Youtube content.

2011 - And the track simulator laps.

I mean, look! Seb did have hair by that time!

Webbo! Oh, Red Bull had soooo many good drivers!


QUARENTINE - day LVIII - F1, F1 and F1

What's up, people? Here everything is ok. We're on our 58th day of quarentine!

And having so much time, I did a couple of flashbacks, researches, watched series and watching Drive to Survive made me look back to a couple of years ago when I used to attend every brazilian GP here in Sao Paulo.

The two last years, though, I decided not to. Because the F1 weekend was in conflict with some important events I had for my business. - being a single one to had the researches, the creative process, all the making, the social medias, the selling, etc is good, there's tons of freedom. But the level of responsability is also insane.

There was also a personal reason: it's easy to enjoy F1 as fan, because everything is "real" for me only during one week per year. But when you get friends that live this enviroment and when you notice how broken these people really are inside (by pressure, by travelling a lot, by not staying at home with their families enough, etc), you start to question if is it really ok to be a fan of the sport?

Honestly I was pretty ok and not really missing F1. But Drive to Survive did it. And even though I know part of the drama is real, but part is not, I felt like going back to all my years of memories, frustration and fun.

The nowadays grid is actually really fun to follow up, because the boys are really committed with providing nice stuff. We can mention the rookie squad on Twitch here.

But coming to how everything (re)started in my adult life, it was all because of Sebastian.
It was really good and inspiring watching someone who has almost the same age as me doing so well on the path of his choice of life! And until his RBR years he still had the joy of a beginner, which is the best trait ever and I really respect.

Things really changed when he moved to Ferrari. Yes, he was achieving a dream, but one that came with tons of responsabilities. Rebuilding Ferrari was not easy and the point is, for a team that is soooooooooooooooo traditional, they are being fucking ungrateful by abandoning Seb, after one bad season. Seb got the team in worse situation when they started their partnership.

But this is not the first time Ferrari messed up, is it?

Now Red Bull closed the doors to Sebi, because they have Max and don't wanna "two alphas" in their team. Carlos is moving to Ferrari, while Dan is going to McLaren. Where's Sebastian going? To Renault? Please no???

I'm so frustrated right now.

It will take me a while to take this info in.

Basically this can not be the last season of Seb in F1, but also there's that ghost of what will be of F1 in Brazil for the next years? We have no contracts yet!!

In the best of the worlds Interlagos will stay. Or we'll miss the event to Rio, which is not ideal, but still ok... Or we could yet loose the event in the country and this makes me anxious.

Right now we have to stay safe and at home, but I'm soooo looking forward to create some best (and maybe last) memories in November/December!!


QUARENTINE - day XV - Organized Feed

More details about this paper sculpture project can be found at my instagram account @raphacchan! 


Day XII, here we are! Hope all of you are safe and healthy!

Today I'm gonna share some pictures of a new sculpture. It's probably still a work in progress, because I guess I still want it bigger... Now it's around 50x50x50cm... and I used around 20~25 A3 sheets of watercolor paper...



3rd day, here we are! =) Alive and grateful to be healthy!

Like I did in the past, I'm again looking back to the things I saved for later on Instagram to see what I can clean, what should stay there... So here we go!


So, that's it. Because of COVID-19, basically all the country is in quarentine. 
Our situation in Brazil is yet to be so dramatic and sad like it has been for our italian sisters and brothers. Yet, staying 15~30 days at home is not that easy. At least not under these circumstances.

My parents are 65+, which means I'll be probably the one going around for supermarket and drugstore items, which is ok... but otherwise everything is weird.

I still have work to do as a freelancer designer, but as everything is being postponed or cancelled, eventually there will be no more work to do.

Today I took my dog to the vet, worked, drawed a little bit, read a book and I must say I'm pretty bored.... And I guess it wouldn't feel that bad if I didn't know that going out is not an option.

Until today there were tons of worries about "what's gonna happen now?" towards my and fairs... But now that things were officially  postponed, there are no worries about making lots of paper pieces in such small period of time.

Soooo, what are you guys doing with the your "free" quarentine time at home?

A doodle from this very first official day of quarentine. Inspired by a post of the japanese model and singer Mariya Nishiuchi. =)

The reading of the day was this book by Kazuo Ishiguro. I wonder how other countries' publications of this same book look like? Yeah, the book itself is great! But, look at this cover!! Here in Brazil, all of his books have gorgeous design!

Last but not least: paper jewelry work. And now knowing there is no hurry.



Finalmente o espaço da Universidade do Papel será reaberto ao público, depois de meses de reforma! E isso vai acontecer durante o PAPER DAY 10! Pela primeira vez em dois dias seguidos!! 
Todos convidados! E fica a dica, nos dois dias eu vou levar materiais diferentes!

EDIT: Por causa do COVID 19, o evento foi adiado! Atualizo aqui quando tivermos a nova data!


Graduation Project - II - FIELD REFERENCES

So, I was saying that there were some issues with the project HiGH&LOW, right?

Well, when it comes to LDH goods and releases...basically everything (really everything) goes sold out pretty quickly! When the releases are online it take some few seconds, less than a minute! And it's a frustrating experience, because when you're there, making the checkout of your cart, BOOOM! your items are no avaliable anymore...

I remember when they posted about the goods of the HiGH&LOW series how the internet went crazy! Instagram, Twitter, Weibo! All the fans were dying, because all the items looked so desirable at a first glance!

But then, when the day came, tons of products were still avaliable for days, which meant even thought all the fans wanted to buy everything, maaaaaaaaaaaaybe the appeal was not enough to make the sellings work out.

So today, this part two is about the creative ways the fans found out to engage with their favorite groups/gangs and how their solutions are better than the released official products! (the credit of each picture shown in each printscreen - from instagram - 2016)



So, here's the final version of the illustration! The decision to focus on the jewelry of the look came to match the professional moment I'm living right know, with my own pieces and stuff... But it was hard to give up on manga style and on the character design vibes, so, that's it!! It was fun! 


So here we have a little bit of what's going on these days... As the post title says, 12 minutes in 3, but basically until a piece is ready there are many layers and countless minutes! At least 6 hours for each one! =)


A partir de agora, também trabalhando com as aparas de papel de projetos anteriores! =) Nada de desperdício por aqui! Até porque Canson Montval é vida!

Recentemente eu terminei uma peça gigaaante, da qual espero poder falar aqui logo, por enquanto ela  é confidencial... E o corte principal gerou uma quantidade bem alta de aparas, porque o projeto é muito maior que o habitual. 

Para quem conhece meu trabalho há mais tempo, só de ver essas aparas, dá para saber qual foi a base de corte principal? hahahahaha



This is a work in progress caption of an illustration I'm creating, inspirated by Jean Paul Gaultier SS 2020 collection. Happy February, guys!!

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