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Mostrando postagens com marcador Brazil. Mostrar todas as postagens

QUARENTINE - day LVIII - F1, F1 and F1

What's up, people? Here everything is ok. We're on our 58th day of quarentine!

And having so much time, I did a couple of flashbacks, researches, watched series and watching Drive to Survive made me look back to a couple of years ago when I used to attend every brazilian GP here in Sao Paulo.

The two last years, though, I decided not to. Because the F1 weekend was in conflict with some important events I had for my business. - being a single one to had the researches, the creative process, all the making, the social medias, the selling, etc is good, there's tons of freedom. But the level of responsability is also insane.

There was also a personal reason: it's easy to enjoy F1 as fan, because everything is "real" for me only during one week per year. But when you get friends that live this enviroment and when you notice how broken these people really are inside (by pressure, by travelling a lot, by not staying at home with their families enough, etc), you start to question if is it really ok to be a fan of the sport?

Honestly I was pretty ok and not really missing F1. But Drive to Survive did it. And even though I know part of the drama is real, but part is not, I felt like going back to all my years of memories, frustration and fun.

The nowadays grid is actually really fun to follow up, because the boys are really committed with providing nice stuff. We can mention the rookie squad on Twitch here.

But coming to how everything (re)started in my adult life, it was all because of Sebastian.
It was really good and inspiring watching someone who has almost the same age as me doing so well on the path of his choice of life! And until his RBR years he still had the joy of a beginner, which is the best trait ever and I really respect.

Things really changed when he moved to Ferrari. Yes, he was achieving a dream, but one that came with tons of responsabilities. Rebuilding Ferrari was not easy and the point is, for a team that is soooooooooooooooo traditional, they are being fucking ungrateful by abandoning Seb, after one bad season. Seb got the team in worse situation when they started their partnership.

But this is not the first time Ferrari messed up, is it?

Now Red Bull closed the doors to Sebi, because they have Max and don't wanna "two alphas" in their team. Carlos is moving to Ferrari, while Dan is going to McLaren. Where's Sebastian going? To Renault? Please no???

I'm so frustrated right now.

It will take me a while to take this info in.

Basically this can not be the last season of Seb in F1, but also there's that ghost of what will be of F1 in Brazil for the next years? We have no contracts yet!!

In the best of the worlds Interlagos will stay. Or we'll miss the event to Rio, which is not ideal, but still ok... Or we could yet loose the event in the country and this makes me anxious.

Right now we have to stay safe and at home, but I'm soooo looking forward to create some best (and maybe last) memories in November/December!!


QUARENTINE - day XV - Organized Feed

More details about this paper sculpture project can be found at my instagram account @raphacchan! 


Day XII, here we are! Hope all of you are safe and healthy!

Today I'm gonna share some pictures of a new sculpture. It's probably still a work in progress, because I guess I still want it bigger... Now it's around 50x50x50cm... and I used around 20~25 A3 sheets of watercolor paper...



3rd day, here we are! =) Alive and grateful to be healthy!

Like I did in the past, I'm again looking back to the things I saved for later on Instagram to see what I can clean, what should stay there... So here we go!


So, that's it. Because of COVID-19, basically all the country is in quarentine. 
Our situation in Brazil is yet to be so dramatic and sad like it has been for our italian sisters and brothers. Yet, staying 15~30 days at home is not that easy. At least not under these circumstances.

My parents are 65+, which means I'll be probably the one going around for supermarket and drugstore items, which is ok... but otherwise everything is weird.

I still have work to do as a freelancer designer, but as everything is being postponed or cancelled, eventually there will be no more work to do.

Today I took my dog to the vet, worked, drawed a little bit, read a book and I must say I'm pretty bored.... And I guess it wouldn't feel that bad if I didn't know that going out is not an option.

Until today there were tons of worries about "what's gonna happen now?" towards my and fairs... But now that things were officially  postponed, there are no worries about making lots of paper pieces in such small period of time.

Soooo, what are you guys doing with the your "free" quarentine time at home?

A doodle from this very first official day of quarentine. Inspired by a post of the japanese model and singer Mariya Nishiuchi. =)

The reading of the day was this book by Kazuo Ishiguro. I wonder how other countries' publications of this same book look like? Yeah, the book itself is great! But, look at this cover!! Here in Brazil, all of his books have gorgeous design!

Last but not least: paper jewelry work. And now knowing there is no hurry.



Finalmente o espaço da Universidade do Papel será reaberto ao público, depois de meses de reforma! E isso vai acontecer durante o PAPER DAY 10! Pela primeira vez em dois dias seguidos!! 
Todos convidados! E fica a dica, nos dois dias eu vou levar materiais diferentes!

EDIT: Por causa do COVID 19, o evento foi adiado! Atualizo aqui quando tivermos a nova data!



So here we have a little bit of what's going on these days... As the post title says, 12 minutes in 3, but basically until a piece is ready there are many layers and countless minutes! At least 6 hours for each one! =)


Bem vindos a São Paulo! Estamos numa excelente localização (entre a Vila Olímpia e o Itaim Bibi). Seu apartamento está em andar alto, com a comodidade de serviços 24h, arrumação diária, wi-fi, TV LED, frigobar e microondas. Para mais detalhes, é so clicar aqui! estamos falando do 011.AP @ Vila Olímpia III - mas fique à vontade para checar os nossos outros apartamentos! 😁🖖 【 ⚠️ P.S.: Para garantir tanto a sua segurança como a nossa, utilizamos a plataforma do Airbnb! 🌟 】

Quando vocês se hospedarem com a gente, o café - Nespresso - fica por nossa conta!

Instagram: @011ap.flats


Estou viva! Há vida pós Pixel Show (maior festival de criatividade da América Latina)! Hahahaha
Tirando os mil dias de preparo e produção insana, como maker, estive lá o final de semana todo das 7h da manhã até as 22h! QUE MARATONA.

Me desculpem todos que por alguma razão eu ainda não respondi, mas estou morgando no pós evento e ainda temos mais um pela frente!

Falando sobre o desafio de expor numa micro mesa de 80x80cm, eu levei um gaveteiro, para poder armazenar e expor mais peças. Achei que não teria problemas, já que o público e maker e supostamente super interativo. Mas as pessoas estavam com medinho de abrir o gaveteiro, então para o segundo dia eu inverti tudo! As gavetas ficaram viradas para mim, então pelo menos EU fiquei insanamente organizada num espaço de 80x80cm! XD

Sim... um display bem mais agressivo, mas funcionou bem melhor! Depois disso ouvi bem mais vezes o "mas que material é esse?" - hahahahaha - Sorry pela grumpy mood, é só que como passei o ano todo apenas fazendo os eventos da Universidade do Papel, me desacostumei um pouco com essa pergunta. =P - E muito obrigada a todos que passaram pela minha mesa!

Agora falemos sobre expectativa x realidade - esse sketch aí de cima era mais ou menos como eu imaginaria que a mesa ia ficar. A solução foi bem parecida, tirando o fato de que o espelho circular não coube na mesa....Mas mesmo o display com os cubinhos de cimento deu certo. x)

E as engrenagens estão de voltaaaaaaaaaaaa! Assim como as asinhas menores!

E para a senhora que me procurou beeeem no finalzinho, quando eu já estava com tudo muito guardado, mil desculpas! O colar continua disponível! T_T


Nos dias 30.11 e 01.12 vai rolar o PIXEL SHOW 2019! Um dos maiores eventos sobre criatividade da América Latina! Vai ser uma honra estar lá com minhas joias de papel!

Fica aqui um post rápido com o promocode MAKERS20 para quem quiser comprar o ingresso do evento. Ele garante 20% off.

A entrada é GRATUITA. Porém, é preciso comprar o ingresso para fazer workshops e assistir palestras.


Na sexta passada rolou o #PaperNightUP, na @universidadedopapel! Obrigada pelo convite! É sempre um prazer estar nos eventos da UP e as trocas são as melhores! ❤️
Obrigada também a todos os artistas, pelo trabalho coletivo, e aos nossos visitantes - pelo tempo, pela visita, pelo respeito! 
📷: @yoturistadelujo ¡muchas gracias! ♪

Na noite anterior, preparando tudo. (feat. Patricio modelo! Hahahaha )

P.S.: Dear Toronto, I'll be there for you soon!


É com muita honra que eu venho contar para vocês que vou fazer parte do novo projeto da Universidade do Papel!
O Paper Night vai acontecer no dia 12 de Julho, das 19h às 23h! Todos os artistas participantes vão expor suas devidas interpretações artísticas sobre o material e tudo em PB! Fotografia, ilustração, colagem, escultura, etc! Todos convidadíssimos! É numa sexta, entre as ruas Augusta e Frei Caneca, então pode vir antes ou depois do Happy Hour! Hahahaha. Mesmo na própria Matias Aires (e tem todo o bairro) tem muita programação noturna para antes e ou depois do Paper Night! 

No meu caso, isso é um pouco nostálgico, porque minhas primeiras peças foram PB, mas ao mesmo tempo é totalmente novo, porque desde aquela época eu aprimorei a técnica e aprendi muito, então não vejo a hora de mostrar os resultados! =)



O ano está passando super rápido e semana que vem já tem Paper Day de novo! 
A sétima edição do evento que apresenta diversas formas de transformar o papel em arte vai acontecer no dia 26 de maio, domingo, na Universidade do Papel: Rua Matias Aires 61, pertinho do metrô Consolação. Tem estacionamento ao lado e é pet friendly! Das 10h às 19h! Todos estão convidadíssimos! 



As always, it's been a while. And it feels that things have been moving really fast since I started with the paper jewelry...So this post is just to talk about what is going on (offline) and the plans for the year.

- the cutting machine issue:

If life had happened as I had planned, I would have been an owner of a cutting machine since July of last year. Not such a luck! Because of taxes and the exchange rate between USD and brazilian Real are just insane.

Any Silhouette is out of question. I need more power and more precision. 

Maybe Eclips2? Brother is gonna launch a new machine here in Brazil next month and since I'm going to the event...who knows....?

- events:

We are in April and I had 4 fairs until now. Two amazing and two not so good.
The issues with the ones which were not that interesting? CARNIVAL.
Yes. Brazil. Does. Stop. When. It. Comes. To Carnival.

So, now I'm gonna share a few pics of the good events and the new pieces!

These were inspired by Sao Paulo's life style, vibes and architecture. We have Interlagos autodrome, pieces that recall the "concrete jungle" nickname of the city and Sao Paulo Japan House building.

- vacations:

The events that were not that amazing made me realize that I need vacations! It sounds like a selfish desire, to take a break when things are starting to evolve, but the point is... Last time I took a break was on February of 2014! Five years! 
It noticed that I was tired exactly because I was feeling like this during a fair that was basically empty, because everyone was out there, somewhere, enjoying the carnival... So I was like "ok... when I was the last time I've been out of my city (even for a weekend)?"...The answer was April of 2015. For a weekend in Rio de Janeiro........yeah, the body is asking to some time in peace. This way I can come back to the jewels (and other projects) stronger!

- almost 3.0:

October 2nd is sort of coming. My 30th birthday. So I ended up thinking about all the choices that made me get where I am now. What's working, what's not. 
Even with all the changes - that I probably couldn't understand when they were happening - I'm glad the whole journey makes some sense until now. Yet, I can not forget that I'm also here because my inital plans were delayed. So, I'm still figuring out if I'm going back there to realize all those old dreams when the chance arrives (without giving up what I have today), or if it's just past.
AND THE PURPLE. I want purple hair before my birthday, or at least to celebrate it! PURPLE IS THE NEW BLACK 

- online store:

That huge stone inside my shoe. T_T
No, don't get me wrong. Here's the thing: I have almost the whole store ready to put online and open, but right now my server only allows national transactions, which means international orders have been made by e-mail/instagram and paid with Paypal. And I've been waiting to release the national and international services together, but some news from the server last week and boom! No more international option coming! 

- ninja design award:

A special post just for this topic is coming soon, but basically my works were selected for an exhibition at Ureshino Design Week and now they have a spot in Ninja Museum, in Saga. Still walking on air here!

- more news coming soon:

New parnterships and projects to be announced soon. Someone wanting to adopt some butterflies? There are to many inside my stomach to bare with. LOL.

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