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QUARENTINE - day XV - Organized Feed

More details about this paper sculpture project can be found at my instagram account @raphacchan! 


So, January is basically gone, right? I'm leaving here a picture of my work place. And yes, it's messy...there is always something going on! 
Anyways, have a nice week!


Just a quick update to show some new tests!



"House of Casa Loma"... For a person who speaks Portuguese it was a bit annoying that people in Canada kept saying "house of"Casa Loma, because casa already means house. XD

Anyways, what a beautiful castelllll...! From the City Pass, this was probably the attraction I wanted to see the most. Because I love Architecture, History and X-men! hahahahaha

The weather this day was probably the worst I got during my whoooole trip, it was rainning a lot, but at least I got a chance to meet a really nice guy! My Uber driver was a guy born in Montreal, but that spent many years in Africa before coming back to Canada. He told me a lot about his love for Toronto and how the city is the perfect place for the ones who have dreams. Because in Toronto nothing is impossible. It was quite inspiring. =)

The Halloween attraction wasn`t ready though. =(


AGO has probably the most tempting shop of all the galleries and museums... The books! OMG, the books!!! Because, yes, I`m the kind of person who starts a visit by entering the shop. WHY? So I have time to process all the cravings I get.... And the books in Canada are so much cheaper than in Brazil! =,(

The Art Gallery of Ontario does have a little bit of everything and it`s huge. So huge it feels bad to call it a gallery and not a museum. o_o

Their inventory of beautifully crafted is objects is what got my attention the most.... Mamma mia!


Dia 2 de Dezembro, próximo domingo, tem Paper Day 5 na Universidade do Papel!
É o último do ano e a edição de Natal! Venham nos visitar!
Das 10h às 19h, na Rua Matias Aires, 61 - Consolação, SP
Entre as ruas Augusta e Frei Caneca. 
É perto das linhas verde e amarela do metrô, do ponto de ônibus do cemitério da Consolação e tem um estacionamento do lado! =)


**English version coming soon**

Um mês e meio depois - com direito a muitos prazos, muitas correrias e novidades - aqui estou eu de volta! =)

A ideia é falar sobre o Planeta Ilustração, o primeiro evento criado pela Universidade do Papel para tratar do assunto.

É muita coisa para falar, então eu pensei em dividir tudo em 3 posts: nesse primeiro vou falar das ilustrações que eu levei para a exposição e responder várias das perguntas que me foram feitas, e que algumas talvez tinham respostas muito complexas pra aquele momento; no segundo - sobre os trabalhos de outros ilustradores talentosíssimos que eu tive a oportunidade de conhecer e no terceiro sobre a Universidade do Papel. Tenho motivos para deixar esse assunto por último e não, não é por dar pouca importância, ou por ingratidão, muito pelo contrário - na verdade a Universidade muito possivelmente passará a ser um tema recorrente por aqui, se tudo der certo! ^_^


It's been two weeks since I started with the Fashion Illustration post graduation course. And tomorrow I'll also start the Jewellery Collection course.

So far we've been through human figure and some references researches... 

Trying to find a mid point between the realistic style and the manga style is not easy. And I can't say the professor loves manga. But yeah... I'm surviving and learning a lot, or so I want to believe, hahahaha.

"You can find great references at Vogue and Elle magazines." - Yup, it's quite obvious, isn't it? Maybe way too much obvious for my liking... So I decided to go a little outside the box and take some references I knew the other students would not take to the classroom =P

 Some scans from japanese Seventeen magazine.

Bridal editorial, from YES WEDDING magazine.

Camila Klein's jewellery collection.

Gekkan EXILE's editorial with Takanori Iwata

Again, Takanori Iwata, but this cool poses are from his first photobook.

And Yuzuru. Obviously. You saw it coming, didn't you?
Now, really, his movements are very elegant - that's why he's here again.

Not only Yuzu though. Kaitlyn Weaver, Yuna Kim, Carolina Kostner, Karen Chen, Kaetlyn Osmond and Maia Shibutani too. Because Figure Skating is elegant. Period. 

Later on, I'm going to make a post just about my production and its evolution, but for now, here you have an illustration of the canadian figure skater Gabrielle Daleman. It's the 3rd illustration since the classes have started:
Gabby herself gave my post a like, so you can imagine how over the Moon I became when I saw the notification!

So far so good it seems!



   Yesterday I had a chance of visiting Garret Kane's exposition here in Sao Paulo, at apArt Private Gallery!

   apArt is a private space where, through a scheduled appointment, you’ll be able to appreciate, purchase or rent fine art and design as well as meet and engage in conversation with the artist or designer.  It’s also a place for book signing events and any other kind of cultural activities.

   Everything is organized on a privé basis for VIP individuals or small groups. Even though here in Brazil it's still not so common to have crowded art galleries - unless there's an event going on - one of the things I liked the most about apArt is the fact that visits are scheduled! It was a slightly intimidating thought at the begining but there was an adorable lady opening the apartment door when I arrived and offering water and coffee, and then a very welcoming apartment full of art in every detail! It was a nice scape moment during a busy friday...

Since the gallery is at a very familiar neighborhood for me, in a certain way it felt like visiting an auntie's place... hahaha.

   Garret Kane is an assemblage sculpture artist based in Brooklyn, NY. Below there are some of his words about art and technology:

   "All human invention is the application of our desires and ideas upon matter and energy - and I believe art is the purest form of this conceit - it's sole purpose being to push matter and energy to the most interesting places it can go.

   Well, that's the idea I like to operate from, and it’s what inspires much of what I do.

   Specifically the mediums, concepts and techniques I prefer all revolve around this association with base nature. They embody the idea that human beings were made by nature and through technology we attempt to recreate nature in our own image.

   Lastly, because nature inspires everything I do and because I love our planet, 10% of all my profits go to the IUCN (International Union for the Conservation of Nature)".


We're past the middle of the week already! And a quarter of March is gone already!
And since the week is being tough for almost everyone I know, here I come with a post of cute food art! #inspiration  ~ Enjoy it! =P


Getting organized?

   "You know that creating a detailed chronogram is part of any project methodology, right?" - this was Kito, the good soul and professor who was coordinating my college's graduation project.

   "Yup. But I'm not gonna make it." - I trust him a lot, so I gave him my most honest answer.

   "If you don't have a good reason why, you'll be discounted points from your development part." -  Nowadays, basically 6 months after this page of my life was turned, I quite feel sorry for the professors who helped me up back there. 

   "The semester is really short, so I don't want to loose time in something that, REALLY, I'm not gonna use AT ALL... This chronogram will be like my schedule books from high school days... first days very complete and used, but after less than a month of classes I always forgot they'd ever existed..." - that's how I started explaining.   

   "Then, how do you plan to organize yourself?" - oh, poor, Kito.

   "I'm gona make the very detailed tasks' lists, yes, for research, development, conception, etc, but I won't detail how many hours I need or when I'm going to make it, because really, I will not follow time guides, so there's no reason to lie about it."

   Yes, I did many lists and had a good couple of pages glued in all the walls of my studio, so I had all those truths really shoved in my face. This way I could not slack off.

   Now, why chronograms don't work for me?

   Because every day is a new one pretty much different from the day which came before: new events, new challenges and new energies.

   Yes, energies and moods. The same way there are days when it feels like everyone decided to be hanging out and having a good time, or when it feels like the whole city decided to go to the same restaurant's food you were craving some food from, there are days when the streets are empty and it feels like all the souls want some reclusion and moments of piece.

   There are days when you want to draw something new and incredible, but the most impressive thing you get is an argument with a blank page and using half of a new eraser (nevermind, the eraser will disappear before you have the chance to completely use it). 

   There are days when you want to sleep, but just can't! So instead of staying in the bed, turning around and getting angry or worried because you can't sleep (which won't help you to sleep at all), it's better to accept it and do something with the energy and the mood you have at the moment.

   Not all the moments are suitable for everything. So it's useless to try to schedule when you'll feel good to do researchs, when it will be nice to draw, etc.

   For me, the best thing is just wake up and see how I'm feeling, and how the day woke up. It's much more fun to go with the energy flow and not fight it. (And you'll check all the tasks that need to be done the same way!)

   But yes, for many people, it's still a messy way of life.

   Ok. I'm a messy (crazy, artsy, strange, left handed) person. No news here, right?

   Even this blog started from my reason to get some rhythm and order for my creative process.
(While I don't finally build a decent website as well. Anyways)

   So, today I'm going through an important part of my creative process: r e g i s t e r i n g!


Keeping the #TBT mood, here are some scans from our brazilian version of Computer Arts magazine. 

Sadly it's over right now... So I'm considering to become a subscriber of the UK version.

Or maybe a subscription of Monocle magazine wouldn't be bad at all...


Carnival Chronicles - I

Wow! Há quanto tempo!

Sorry... Foram os mil problemas com a matrícula - de novo - e a deadline de Coldplay chegando!

Então falemos sobre os primeiros dias de Carnaval. =P


Just commentin' on last week stuff...

1. Pirâmides x Constelação de Orion

(Delta Orionis, Epsilon, Zeta: as três principais estrelas do cinturão de Orion, mais conhecidas como As Três Marias, sobrepostas às pirâmides de Gizé)


Para trazer de volta esse blog, que foi esquecido desde o ano 2007, quando o coitadinho tinha um template com header do Kato Kazuki, vou usar minha pesquisa sobre o Tim Burton como postagem de teste. Hahahaha~ (Até porque a deadline do projeto é dia 15/01 !!)

  • Burton descreveu sua infância como peculiar, imaginativa e perdida em seus próprios pensamentos. Ele achava a vida doméstica e a escola difícil, participava de um grupo chamado OW SHIT STUDIOS (O.S.S) e fugia da realidade do cotidiano lendo livros sombrios de Edgar Allan Poe e assistindo a filmes de terror de baixo-orçamento;
  • Após o colegial, ele ganhou uma bolsa da Disney para estudar no Instituto das Artes da Califórnia em Valencia, CA. Estudou Animação por três anos e foi então contratado pelo Walt Disney Studios como aprendiz de animador;
  • Foi durante esse período que Tim Burton fez seus primeiros três curtas metragens: a animação em stop-motion "Vincent", e dois live-actions, "João e Maria" e "Frankenweenie". A história desse último, que envolvia um cachorro morto num atropelamento sendo ressuscitado de forma análoga ao Frankenstein, foi considerada sombria demais pela Disney, motivo que levou à demissão de Burton.


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