Finalmente, é amanhã! Abertura da Feira Pixel Show, desse ano!
Para quem não viu o post anterior, meu stand online será no Zoom e a sala ficará aberta durante todo o final de semana, das 13h às 22h!
E, como é bastaaaaaaante tempo online, caso alguém queira entrar e perguntar alguma coisa, estarei lá! Também vou reservar alguns momentos para mostrar para vocês parte do processo de produção!
Por hoje, fica aqui um Q&A sobre o meu trabalho em papel:
So, it's November. The year is almost gone and it's still hard to believe. It has been extremely challenging (but in a good way) and could have been a perfect one if I hadn't to say good bye to my grandma. But I'll keep fighting and living to pass to others everything I had the honour of learning with her. =)
I already knew about Universidade do Papel for a while, but having the chance to work with them was probably THE blessing of the year! Here in Brazil it's the only place totally about paper and its expressions toward techniques and arts. ♥ Its owned by Enrique Rodríguez, an architect and designer from Chile, who developed his whole career using paper and teaches and help other paper designers/artists to find their space.
By the occasion I sent my portfolio to Universidade do Papel, aiming a spot in their exhibition of new illustrators (and, yes, got it!) but Enrique messaged me because of my graduation project and the paper jewelry. He wanted (and still wants) me to give a workshop about the subject at his school.
I was honest and told him I couldn't. Yet. It wasn't a selfish no, but I still learning a lot about my technique and my product, so it's still early to share what I don't know. But I hope to be able to give it back soon enough. ^_^
At Universidade do Papel, once every 2 or 3 months there's an event called Paper Day, in which artists show and sell their expressions on paper and it's always fantastic! I still can't believe I've been there twice and have a 3rd edition coming up in december! To discover these paper artists, I suggest the search of #PaperDayUP in Instagram! It'll be worthy! ♥
Last edition, on 10/21, I took some new pieces, so today I'm sharing the pictures and some comments! =)
Here is my stand! That morning I noticed that my work/production grew up a bit! Because for the 3rd edition of Paper Day this amount of space was enough, this time not at all. I had to leave a sort of box/puff/bench below the table with my bask of illustrations and prints. It was unexpected, but maybe a good sign? =)
Some of the new pieces. For the flat necklace I got some new ones inspired by sacred geometry and for the ones which are 3d, the inspiration was the Möbius strip.
Here some details about the earrings: if you have more than one pierce, you can wear the pair in the same ear as well. The effect is nice, because the paper pieces go behind the ears and they weight basically nothing.
Here you can see a bit of the basket x_x... I'm not sure if I'll be ready ($) to get the double sized space for december, but I hope to find a way. lol
Meow! Now I have some small kittens as pendants and people seem to love them! I'm happy! ♥ For the next Paper Day I'm gonna take some doggos too, to make it fair! Hahahaha
BTW! An online store is coming this month! The plan was to launch it after buying my Eclips2 (here in Brazil every price you see in USD cost us x4 more, so a cutting machine doesn't end being something exactly cheap...), but people are asking for Xmas! But with or withou online store, I swear I don't bite, so you can just message me to ask things/ talk/ order... It will be a pleasure! ♥