These days...

Almost one month after the last post - I had actually some good ideas of what I could post here, but needed a break of social networks environment. 

It was impossible to get that famous internet detox though, because I work from home and need to be online to communicate with my work team. 

Since there were many things happening at the same time in the offline world as well, that's why I went MIA. Sorry about all the unanswered messages! Specially on messenger and whatsapp - c'mon, guys, you know I HATE WHATSAPP.

But now we're back to business! It's impossible to stop during the second half of the year! 

And now I'm gonna talk about what I've been into.

1 - Boom Outlet!

Now I have a partnership with BoomOutlet! So, using the promocode raphacchan, you have 10% off and free worldwide shipping! 

The prices are great and they have new items basically daily, so it's worth to always giving it a check!
Some itens are cute, others not so cute. LOL - But they're still cool and funny.
Click on the images below to go to the offers!

2 - Thomas Knoll

Yes, the creator of Adobe Photoshop! 
I had the chance to watch him talking about how everything started: from the habit of turning hobbies into professions. It all started with a camera, photography and some prints, working basically like a dark room.

This guy knows a lot about science and Physics, he's fun and it was a pleasure, really, to have this opportunity. Never in my life I thought I'd be able to meet the creator of one of my most important tools of work! Thank you, EBAC! 

My favourite quote of him, when asked about the over use of Photoshop while editing pictures is: "All photography is fake!" - which means it's alright to edit it, since you're capturing a representation of a moment, playing with points of view, perceptions and scales.

Here goes the streaming, to the ones wishing to give a peek:

3 - Crowdfunding Talk

Here in Sao Paulo we have A Hebraica, a pretty nice Jewish community club. There was held Merkaz's meeting about crowdfunding in Brazil.

Basically, all the talking was to explain how crowdfunding can help startups and their innovation and explain about brazilian law, when it comes to this "alternative" way of getting money to make a project happen. 

Here is the Mola project, my favourite case of that night!

It was created by a student of Architecture school. The poor guy used to find it difficult to understand about buildings structures and how the forces could have effects over the structures. (Since I was also an Architecture student one, I quite can understand his pain)

So, to help his understanding, he firstly tried to mock up some sctructures using wood and - obviously - he couldn't see the effects he was studying.

Then, one day, while repairing his eletric shower, he looked to the metalic spiral and had the idea of using it in his mock ups. That's how the project started and nowadays it's like a Lego for Architecture and Design, changing the way of studying structures all over the world.

The fun thing is that when he considered going to a website to try raising money, he expected to be able to sell like...100 kits of Mola. But he had enough money to more than 1000 requests, but he had to change all his planning from the start. Hahahaha.

4 - Kenya Hara

Double challenge accepted! 
Hahahaha, not only it was a challenge to arrive in time at JAPAN HOUSE (not to mention that less than 20 minutes after the time scheduled were past, all the seats for this event were taken! than Renata - best partner for Design events - and myself had a looong waiting moment, just to have the two last seats of guests who didn't show! lol) but I also decided to risk it all and to listen to the master Hara without picking the translator audio tools! Good to see how my Japanese skills are going! 

So, he is the man behind the JAPAN HOUSE concept and behind MUJI!
MUJI was one of my best and acidental discovers while walking around Shibuya and Omotesando!
A brand "no-brand" with products of good quality, but still just products as they are, not label status products. To explain this difference, Hara said that instead using the common style of marketing "watashi wo aishitekudasai" (please, love us), MUJI's motto is more like "watashi de yokattara, tsukatte kudasai" (please make use of us if you wish).

One of his main points of the night was to explain the empty element in japanese culture: the empty space can be filled like the imagination prefers and it has a different meaning for every single person. It also make space for God and good energies to come in. 

So, for instance, when we see this path of emptyness created by the torii, Hara says that in japanese culture it's thought God would pass through the empty space, so it's definitely a good thing.

My favorite quote was his comparison to explain the asian cultural syncretism which is very present in japanese culture! Unfortunately I don't have an image of his drawing, but basically he compared the asia map to..... PACHINKO!  hahahahaha

I drew over a Google image just to try to explain... Let's think about Pinball, since many pachinko games are like Pinball: you can't allow the ball to fall and it's gonna hit many places to complete goals and missions, but eventually it will end up falling in the whole. The whole is Japan. Eventually things from all over the Asia end up reaching Japan and making part of its culture.
You can bet I was thinking about it during the rest of the night! XD

And after attending, learning and talking about all these events, the time just doesn't stop and I still have DRAW-A-DOT's and Illustrarte's deadlines coming up! GUESS WHO IS LATE?

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