Mostrando postagens com marcador 2017. Mostrar todas as postagens
Mostrando postagens com marcador 2017. Mostrar todas as postagens


A couple of days after the show I guess I'm back to myself and talk about the experience, so... let's get personal!


It's been a while and I'm really sorry. Days are crazy here and keepin' up with a routine is not a easy task right now.

ANYWAYS. Let's go back to the 90's, because...

Here's an ispirational post about Japanese Displays and Visual Merchandising.

(On this pic: NIHOMBASHI MISTUKOSHI / Reproduction)

September Playlist

I'm back! 

It's been quite a while without anything music related here, so we're going to September playlist!

To be honest, when I was trying to pick up some music, I ended up with more than 100 tunes, so to make it fun, I'm gonna share the first 30 ones that may appear in shuffle mode. LOL

My only condition to skip a song: if it was already featured in February Playlist post.

So... Here we go!



  I guess can't precisely point the moment scrapbooking entered my life. And this is because the passion for different kind of papers and working with them was already with me, since basically kindergarten days. I've been always the Arts and Crafts teacher's assistant and so on... Cutting and gluing paper while working the creativity was always fun and, not surprisingly my choice when it was time to start college was towards Architecture and Design.

These days...

Almost one month after the last post - I had actually some good ideas of what I could post here, but needed a break of social networks environment. 

It was impossible to get that famous internet detox though, because I work from home and need to be online to communicate with my work team. 

Since there were many things happening at the same time in the offline world as well, that's why I went MIA. Sorry about all the unanswered messages! Specially on messenger and whatsapp - c'mon, guys, you know I HATE WHATSAPP.

But now we're back to business! It's impossible to stop during the second half of the year! 

And now I'm gonna talk about what I've been into.



It's August!!!

Do you know what it means? 


Today we're going over ceramic issues!

Overload of cuteness ahead.


Getting organized?

   "You know that creating a detailed chronogram is part of any project methodology, right?" - this was Kito, the good soul and professor who was coordinating my college's graduation project.

   "Yup. But I'm not gonna make it." - I trust him a lot, so I gave him my most honest answer.

   "If you don't have a good reason why, you'll be discounted points from your development part." -  Nowadays, basically 6 months after this page of my life was turned, I quite feel sorry for the professors who helped me up back there. 

   "The semester is really short, so I don't want to loose time in something that, REALLY, I'm not gonna use AT ALL... This chronogram will be like my schedule books from high school days... first days very complete and used, but after less than a month of classes I always forgot they'd ever existed..." - that's how I started explaining.   

   "Then, how do you plan to organize yourself?" - oh, poor, Kito.

   "I'm gona make the very detailed tasks' lists, yes, for research, development, conception, etc, but I won't detail how many hours I need or when I'm going to make it, because really, I will not follow time guides, so there's no reason to lie about it."

   Yes, I did many lists and had a good couple of pages glued in all the walls of my studio, so I had all those truths really shoved in my face. This way I could not slack off.

   Now, why chronograms don't work for me?

   Because every day is a new one pretty much different from the day which came before: new events, new challenges and new energies.

   Yes, energies and moods. The same way there are days when it feels like everyone decided to be hanging out and having a good time, or when it feels like the whole city decided to go to the same restaurant's food you were craving some food from, there are days when the streets are empty and it feels like all the souls want some reclusion and moments of piece.

   There are days when you want to draw something new and incredible, but the most impressive thing you get is an argument with a blank page and using half of a new eraser (nevermind, the eraser will disappear before you have the chance to completely use it). 

   There are days when you want to sleep, but just can't! So instead of staying in the bed, turning around and getting angry or worried because you can't sleep (which won't help you to sleep at all), it's better to accept it and do something with the energy and the mood you have at the moment.

   Not all the moments are suitable for everything. So it's useless to try to schedule when you'll feel good to do researchs, when it will be nice to draw, etc.

   For me, the best thing is just wake up and see how I'm feeling, and how the day woke up. It's much more fun to go with the energy flow and not fight it. (And you'll check all the tasks that need to be done the same way!)

   But yes, for many people, it's still a messy way of life.

   Ok. I'm a messy (crazy, artsy, strange, left handed) person. No news here, right?

   Even this blog started from my reason to get some rhythm and order for my creative process.
(While I don't finally build a decent website as well. Anyways)

   So, today I'm going through an important part of my creative process: r e g i s t e r i n g!


Keeping the #TBT mood, here are some scans from our brazilian version of Computer Arts magazine. 

Sadly it's over right now... So I'm considering to become a subscriber of the UK version.

Or maybe a subscription of Monocle magazine wouldn't be bad at all...



Yes. I've been gone for a good couple of months.
I'm still adjusting myself to this brand new graduated life. 

But I'm coming back with great news!

Now I have a fashion illustration featured on @drawadot's instagram!

Really, the happiness here is over the Moon! I've always had wanted to send an illustration to one of Marcus' open calls, but I was always busy with college/ work stuff...

Then, first time sent and BOOOM! Here it is:

There are so many incredible illustrators featured in this account...! It's insane to be part of the team now! 

This illustration was inspirated by Comme Des Garçons S/S2015! The last look!
And the postion is an Ina Bauer (from figure skating). Drama, anyone?

July is coming! Miu Miu's illustration too: tons of colors and fun!


February Playlist

Yo! Before bringing it here a second chapter of my graduation project saga, let's talk about something lighter! Music! ♥



So... new year, new life!

I've left this blog alone for a good while and good reasons, but I'm gonna try to make it over! ^_^

Tons of things happened. The most difficult was probably my final graduation project. Or so I thought. Then many days of cleaning, which are not over yet - wardrobe, studio, and personal and spiritual cleanance.

X-mas, New Year, Graduation ceremony. New hobbies, new interests, new discoveries.
I'm quite ready for some new challenges. =)

Happy 2017, everyone!

Here, this is the charm luck of a person I admire a lot: Yuzuru Hanyu.
The letters and their meanings:

K is for KINDNESS;
I is for INFINITY;
J is for JOY;
H is for HARVEST.

And this is my wishes to the world, in 2017 and always!


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